Tip: This fitness program intensity is relatively small, less suitable for everyday exercise Ms. reference.
You've going to lose weight? In the summer, you want to put on a sexy little strap? However, every day during weight loss is how you arrange it? Healthy way to lose weight lose weight really helped to succeed, however, if there is a clear timetable for weight loss, weight loss will become more regular and easy oh!
You know how much healthy weight loss? Research shows that the total daily intake of calories is not below 1200 calories, it is an adult as a retention level of the lowest normal metabolic heat. Calorie intake too much or too little can lead to weight loss failure. So, how much food 1,200 calories mean it? How long campaign to effectively lose weight? For these various questions, you can lose weight in the following schedule where to get an answer Oh!
7:00 am
7:00 am wake up, do 2 minutes of high leg lift, push-ups or sit-ups.
7:15 am
Breakfast time. Two eggs and a Canadian high-protein breakfast meat make you feel fuller, can prolong hunger, metabolism and blood sugar balance in maintaining a great help.
To start the day, sport do first three minutes before strength training. This can increase muscle strength, and a certain metabolite levels can also increase the expressiveness of physical activity, reducing aerobic exercise to lose weight in the next process in damage and discomfort.
9:00 am
Drinking milk. Reasonable increase in the daily diet of milk, yogurt and whey protein can help you control weight. Studies have shown that calorie-controlled case, calcium-rich diet can improve weight loss results.
10:00 am
Choose a high protein snacks, such as whole wheat bread or a turkey sandwich one. You can increase satiety, reduce your appetite next meal.
11:00 am
Move about in the office, you can ask questions to colleagues and so on. Study found that the average daily lean than obese people to walk four kilometers of road.
1:00 pm
Lunch time. Best lunch of fish and vegetable salad contains. These foods can increase satiety, the heat is relatively low, as well as enhance the metabolism.
1:30 pm
Afternoon breaks. To a nearby park or mall Guangyi Xia, can help you burn calories after a meal, can effectively reduce fat accumulation.
4:00 pm
Drink a cup of green tea. Catechins in green tea have antioxidant, improve metabolism and so on, you can reduce the accumulation of fat cells to achieve weight loss effect.
5:00 pm
Eat a little spicy food. Spicy food is increased energy consumption to achieve weight loss effect. Such as pepper or red pepper capsaicin can increase heat production and heat that can help increase energy consumption.
7:00 pm
Before meals to small movements. Dinner before the fasting exercise, such as fast walking or jogging, then the vast majority of calories consumed come from fat. To exercise to achieve weight loss goals, not only to grasp the proper amount of exercise, but also to grasp the movement of the time.
7:30 pm
Time for dinner. If you're a very little calories all day, then eat a hearty dinner that is also possible. As long as the control day calorie intake should not consume more calories on it.
8:30 pm
Relax. You're interested in reading a book or listening to some relaxing music can help you relax. Relax and be able to lower your blood cortisol levels, increase abdominal fat burning.
10:00 pm
It is time to sleep slightly! Lack of sleep can affect hormone secretion and your hunger hormones. When sleep is restricted or less than eight hours when the hunger hormone levels will rise, this time will increase your appetite, this time without eating too much time consumed will cause obesity.
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