Saturday, August 10, 2013

Muscle strain how to do?

Muscle strain is a common sports injury muscle phenomenon. Muscle strain caused by many reasons, such as not properly prepared for the level of deprivation, fatigue, overload exercise, lack of concentration, temperature or moderately large, site equipment and other quality problems can occur because muscle strain. The main manifestations of muscle strain pain, swelling, muscle tension, stiff, cramps, severe may also cause depression, bruising, muscle tear. So we usually encounter muscle strain during exercise how to do? Here we take a look at the doctor's explanation.

Use a cloth with ice or use an ice pack ice of the objective existence of the purposes of the wound to prevent further swelling and reduce pain. Try not to use within a few days the injured muscle, or until the pain is gone, do not use the injured muscle, with a bandage or cloth bandaged the injured area, give it support force, but be careful is not to tie too tightly . If the tie too tight, muscles will further swelling and impede blood circulation.

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Treatment modality depends on injury severity, your doctor may give you painkillers or muscle relaxant drugs, or both together. If the leg muscle injury, your doctor may recommend that you use crutches, if it is an arm injury, he will tell you to use the sling, he would even tell you resting in bed three or four days. Doctors also recommend doing physical therapy. When the acute pain and swelling, the doctor will give you a step by step exercise program developed called you started, in order to restore activity and strength.

First, how do muscle strain

1, cold soft tissue injury with cold water, tidal ice or ice pack to the affected area surfaces.

Can play both by cold effect. First, you can reduce pain, numb feeling nervous system and play a role in anti-irritant. Cold stimulation than trauma pain, so the pain will be eased. Second, it could impede local supply and reduce tissue damage bloodshed, so that injury is no longer expanding range.

2, with an elastic bandage wounds.

When dressing must be uniform, otherwise the edge of the compression bandage to form a "bag"-shaped swelling. Also, always check the compression, so as to ensure that the blood circulation is not affected. When you feel tingling and numbness or skin blue, etc., then the proof compression tight, should be relaxed, to be normal color, and then subjected to loose compression.

3, clever use of gravity.

Lifting after injury, the injured limb will be bruising or swelling, you can use gravity to lift the injured limb above the heart of the site to resist bruising and swelling.

4, rest and regular exercise.

When the damage should be immediately generated a break, and with some cold, compression and other processing, which is guaranteed to tissue injury measures necessary to restore health. But rest time not too long, lasting breaks for sports injuries is harmful. Therefore, the amount should be conducted, controlled relaxation of movement because a controlled cool down, the blood can cause redistribution of blood flow and metabolism enhance wound portion, causing increased cell permeability, increased muscle uptake of amino acids, the muscle protein synthesis prepared abundant raw materials, usually in muscle protein synthesis and rapidly strengthened over time, play a role in tissue repair. Of course, here in the form of regular exercise, strength should be the nature of the injury (some serious injuries such as fractures, tendon rupture, dislocation, etc. excluded), preferably in an experienced coach or medical staff under the guidance and supervision.

5, after the injury, 24 to 48 hours can not be implemented treatment.

Easily broken capillaries in the injured area, the massage, subcutaneous blood will increase, easily lead to injury extended or increased. But many experts and scholars suggested that the lighter soft tissue injury, the treatment can be carried through the above light massage. Generally, soft tissue injury, the sympathetic nervous system, peripheral vasoconstriction, blood flow rate, such as in injury for massage can promote blood clotting process.

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