Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rest after exercise and then eating.

Core Tip: Do not exercise immediately after eating, this will cause some damage to the stomach after a meal can not immediately go to extreme sports, if you participate in strenuous exercise immediately after a meal, can digest the Ministry is participating in the gastrointestinal blood another reallocation flow to the muscles and bones, which will affect the digestion and absorption, participate in strenuous exercise immediately after a meal can also be because of gastrointestinal vibration and mesenteric involved and cause abdominal pain and discomfort, which can affect human health .

First, the movement director skeletal, cardiac motion in a relatively central cerebral cortex excited state, while other parts are in a state of relative inhibition of gastric motility, reduced secretion of digestive juice.

Second, exercise, a lot of blood distribution in the sports system, digestive system reducing the blood, functional decline. Even stopped the movement, in a short time will remain above conditions, so exercise immediately after eating will affect the digestion and absorption of food, the body adversely, the passage of time also cause indigestion, chronic gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.


Before exercise: before exercise your best is between 1-2 hours before eating high-fiber biscuits, raisins, or fresh fruit.

After exercise: Exercise after about one hour before eating after exercise easier to accept beverages or liquid food, but will also add moisture, if after two hours in the movement do not eat dinner, you can eat solid food supplement carbohydrates and proteins. After exercise to avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, soft drinks, and tea. Because caffeine has a diuretic effect, will make you supplement the body of water shortage. While soda water can also provide carbohydrates, but not suitable for sports drink after.

Be careful not to strenuous activities carried out immediately after a meal and also should avoid strenuous exercise immediately after eating, to be rest 30-60 minutes, you can eat. Food should be light, nutritious, do not eat too cold, strong or too greasy foods.

Sports and fitness in the timing of eating is very particular, before meals, after meals are not engaged in strenuous exercise, exercise and eat to have a certain gap between the rest. Exercise, our body in order to ensure the musculoskeletal oxygen supply of oxygen and nutrients, under the regulation of the central nervous system, the body's blood re-allocation of the digestive gland secretion greatly reduced, thus affecting the gastrointestinal digestion and the Ministry of absorption. The more strenuous exercise, the longer the duration, the activities of digestive organs need a longer time to recover, so people do not want to eat immediately after exercise is a normal physiological activity. Generally, resting after exercise at least 30 to 40 minutes to eat more scientific. Similarly, after a meal can not immediately go to extreme sports, if participate in strenuous exercise immediately after a meal, can the Ministry is participating in the gastrointestinal digestion and redistribution of blood flows to the muscles and bones, which will affect the digestion and absorption, participate in strenuous exercise immediately after a meal can also be because of gastrointestinal vibration and mesenteric involved and cause abdominal pain and discomfort, which can affect human health. Therefore, at least 1.5 hours after a meal before it can exercise. Dinner for less strenuous activities, such as walking and more relaxed and sports activities, not only helps digestion, but also beneficial to health.

After strenuous exercise, reduction of blood within the gastrointestinal, gastrointestinal activity and secretion will be reduced, affecting digestion and absorption, the long run, not only affects digestion and absorption of food, but also increase the burden on the stomach due to the occurrence of stomach problems. Also, do strenuous exercise immediately after a meal, "chest" in the top plug is often a sense, it is difficult to accept. Running, jumping, etc. will stimulate gastrointestinal excessive shocks arising from abdominal pain, causing vomiting. Long participate in strenuous exercise immediately after a meal, so that the normal activity of the digestive system are often adversely affected, over time, will cause chronic gastrointestinal disease or aggravate existing gastrointestinal disease. So do strenuous exercise immediately after a meal is not appropriate. Usually in the dining 30 minutes before exercise more scientific.

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