Sunday, July 28, 2013

【muscle & fitness】Six kinds of new ways to exercise the biceps

The human body there are about 640 muscles. But by the traditional concepts, you will particularly value the level of development of the biceps. They are small muscles, if you have not done enough curl, biceps definitely not up to the towering shock effect. 

Muscular guy who never give up the curl exercises, they always insist on their own way curls. No hard training, biceps potential can never be tapped. Whether or not you agree, I bet your biceps training far place. Now, we introduce you to six kinds of new ways to exercise the biceps, let your arm rapid growth, core muscles also improved, to enhance strength, balance, and promote fat burning.

A push-hammer curls

What to do with palm relative position hold a pair of dumbbells, push the body was starting position. Hold this position, right up to the shoulder dumbbell curl position. Decentralization of dumbbells to the starting position, right hand alternately curl. A group of 30 to 60 seconds, each group should increase the weight, but must not use explosive.

What is the effect of this action and push-ups dumbbell rowing close. Just to curl instead of boating, when you lift up the weight, the core muscles in order to maintain stable body had taut. This action on abdominal training effect also world-class.

Two kneeling single arms move

How to do a pair of hands holding a dumbbell weight placed on both sides of the body, kneeling on the floor. Dumbbell curl upward and outward rotation wrist to the shoulder when the dumbbells in front, the palm back. Right after 3 times 3 times for the left hand, turn around do it 5 minutes. If you can continuous loop 10 times, which is 30 times on each side, they add some weight.

What is the effect of the biceps has two roles, bending the elbow and forearm supination. With a large weight dumbbells doing curls external rotation to achieve these two effects. When you use the kneeling position to do this action, because the left and right arm in order to prevent movement of the body tilt, core muscles have tightened to maintain balance. This action allows the biceps and core parts of both.

3 stride quite

Do hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, the natural stand. Light up the jump, legs stride was launched (front left leg, right leg), and turned up the dumbbell to the shoulder position. Back to the starting position, then repeat (front right leg, left leg). 10 times, or continuously do 20 seconds. When you feel exhausted, instead dumbbell lunges, do four minutes at a faster rate. 10 seconds rest between sets, a total of eight groups.

What effect do this with a light weight training, can achieve good aerobic effect. With a large weight of this training, to enhance the explosive helpful. The deeper the squat stride, the entire operation speed, the fast-twitch muscle fibers to obtain greater stimulation. This action can enhance the explosive power and endurance, the body's potential to the maximum.

4 elastic band Jack jump hammer curls

How do natural stance, feet slam, his hands clutched Hoop palm relative elastic band. Jump to straddle both sides of the legs, while his hands upward curl elastic band. Legs and jump back to the starting position while the hands are back naturally drooping posture. Each completed within 20 seconds 10 times, a total of 8 groups, 10 seconds rest between sets.

What is the effect of the resistance in the elastic band under the outward leg of the hip hop can exercise muscles. Development of these muscles can improve the appearance of the lower limbs while protecting the knee. Explosive biceps also get exercise.

5 squats concentrated curl

How do your feet wider than shoulder width, squat until thighs parallel position with the ground, his hands held from 5 to 10 kg dumbbells drooping naturally, elbow against the inner thigh, palm relative. Curl the dumbbell to the chest after to maintain this position, then hands curl dumbbells, continuous curl 30 to 60 seconds. If you replace the arm for curls, can increase the instability of the body, thereby exercising core muscles.

What is the effect of keeping squat position to promote the entire lower extremity muscles and lower back muscles. This action forces the legs outward, so that the gluteus maximus fully opened. Elbow to try to resist the thigh adductor resistance outward, preventing other muscles leveraging.

6 centrifugal curl

Do hold a pair of dumbbells weight (each only 3 to 4 times curl the weight) natural stand. Placing them on your sides, palm relative, knees slightly bent, hips back sink, upper body leaning forward, and then suddenly straighten the body, with the dumbbell upward explosive "off" position to the shoulder. Then with 5 seconds decentralization dumbbells back to the starting position. Each group of five times, a total of 3 sets, 90 seconds rest between sets.

What is the effect when you do the eccentric contraction, the muscle can withstand far greater than the weight of the heart contraction. For this reason, the yield of the new training can promote muscle growth. In addition, leveraging on the very large weight dumbbells can improve the body explosiveness.

More new method: clicking away

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