Saturday, July 27, 2013

Best exercise muscles Guinness

how to build muscle fast?

1, the best overall chest Growth: Flat dumbbell elected

Occupation forces in Las Vegas • Sheng company David Chandler-based study recently found that, compared to flat barbell press, dumbbell flat elected action, the deltoid participate less, because the use of dumbbells, arms more to the body portion may extend outward. Deltoid participate less, which means you can have more breast stimulation, which will bring you expect the greatest degree of chest muscle growth.

2, the optimum growth of the latissimus dorsi width: wide grip pulldown latissimus dorsi

Researchers at the University of Miami to 10 who experienced complete fitness anterior wide grip pulldown, which are positive grip, reverse grip and the grip, wide grip neck down after the action, while using electromyography to record muscle activity . Positive grip wide grip pulldown anterior latissimus dorsi muscle fibers involved in the most, while anti-shake is the rival.

3, Best Overall deltoid Growth: dumbbell elected

Strength research organization found that, compared to barbell elected, dumbbell elected middle deltoid can stimulate more muscle fibers and fewer anterior deltoid muscle fibers. Because the triangle constituted deltoid muscle bundle up some muscles, and can bring to the shoulder width and rounded degree, so if you order trained deltoid muscle circumference, then, we must first select the dumbbells instead of barbells.

4, the best biceps growth: barbell curl

Compared to the straight bar someone might prefer curved bar, but the change is just to get a more coordinated arm muscles factors, so we suggest you use the straight bar for the main barbell curl, while using curved bar to the main achievement of action changes. We recently used the straight bar and two curved bar fitness who were tracked, the results found for straight bar barbell curl carrying 10 people from the group plays in repetitive movements can lift more weight, while the song Rod is somewhat less. Lift more weight means more muscle fibers can be stimulated and growth potential.

5 Best Triceps Growth: arm flexion-extension

You may like to have been doing triceps press down rope almost broken. But the last time you do is when the arm flexion and extension? Because under the pressure of just a single joint training, you may be limited in how much weight each time under the pressure inside the frame, which is why the overall muscle growth when compared to the arm flexion and extension will eventually win the reason. This multi-joint training relates to the shoulder and elbow joints, which means you can control more weight (With the arrival of a higher level of training, your weight plus additional weight of the disc) to gain more muscle circumference breakthrough.

6, the best four muscle training: anterior Squat

Although most people can do squats, but do somewhat ineffective anterior squats, squat compared to anterior, the traditional squat more to do with rope tendons and gluteus. Anterior squat can better focus on the quadriceps muscle, because your back throughout the course of action has been straight, but also allows you to lift more than 100 kilograms of weight to stimulate the quadriceps.

7, the best hamstring and hip muscle growth: Romanian deadlift

Can anyone rushed backstroke Leg lift equipment and rush to complete requirements set times, but the Romanian deadlift but allows you to use more weight on the rope slapping stimulus overload tendons and buttocks. Continue with your curls, but remember that if there is no Romanian deadlift, then, for creating a solid hamstring training programs is incomplete.

8, the best trapezius muscle growth: barbell shrug

On both sides of the Olympic barbell with some 20 kilograms weight disc until it reaches the limit and you can do shrug - no equipment can be like a barbell so you can more effectively train the trapezius muscle. Just ask those who have, such as mountain-like arched trapezius fitness, men like eight times Mr. Olympia champion Ronnie • Kuhlman and by the transformation of the international powerlifting sport Jianlian pros Channing • Jackson, they is a devout believe and rely on as shrugging etc. These basic barbell movements before he learned the old Superman trapezius.

9, the best calf muscle growth: standing calf raise

Multiple sitting toes you can lift the weight? Then the donkey calf raise it? Our guess is: the weight of the latter does not reach the former level. Muscle training is the key to promoting excessive growth in a range of repetitive movements, try to use more weight to carry stimulation. So in this case will not need a brain - if you want a muscular legs, then first do standing calf raises, which will act directly on your leg muscles maximum block - gastrocnemius.

10, the best overall abdominal training: crunches

In the 2004 study, University of Nebraska Medical Center (located in Omaha), researchers have found that the basic crunches for action just a little change can stimulate all four abdominal muscle area (abdomen rectus, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominal muscle). Using two different techniques of abdominal volume method, they measured it four abdominal muscle activity. In the first method, the researchers were given the test population following guidelines:

1) In the tight abdominal muscles, navel pushed outward;

2) When the volume of abdominal, thoracic bottom and try to shorten the distance between the groin;

3) In the crunches, attention to the ribs downward and inward. They reported that the volume of this improvement can effectively stimulate the rectus abdominal training.

In the second method, the researchers gives the following instructions:

1) Try to completely roll up the abdominal muscles so that the direction of the navel toward the floor;

2) keeping the abdominal muscles tight, trying to keep the back level;

3) in abdominal volume, pay attention to the chest to keep the power forward. This improvement actions focus on abdominal crunches and abdominal oblique, although not directly measure the transverse abdominal muscle activity, but researchers are still able to guess in the abdominal oblique work, the deep muscles are working . The final conclusion is: an action (crunches) plus another two different techniques method is equivalent to the full participation of the body core muscles. If abdominal training when there is no more time, then remember that these can make you more effective.

11, the optimum core body strength training: Tablet support

If you want to train the body core strength, then the best and easiest training is the flat board. It does not require any equipment, and almost everyone can proceed. Push ups posture taken to arms bent at 90 degrees above the arm as the support material. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Simple but effective.

12, the best overall muscle growth: Squat

Anterior squat was selected as the best of our four muscle growth method, and the traditional squat is undoubtedly the best choice overall muscle growth. It is estimated that in the upper and lower body, it can involve hundreds of muscles, serving as a driving force or the role of the stabilizer. (After all, in your squat, to prop up the back on more than 100 kg.) Numerous research shows that because of the squat involves so many muscle fibers, making it the best of all training to promote growth hormone levels kind of training. As Japanese researchers in a study in 2006 found that more growth hormone means more muscle growth.

13, Best Overall Strength Training: Deadlift

Like squats, as there are hundreds of pieces deadlift muscles involved. Of course, and squats are not the same, in the active (up) before repeating the action part, and not passive (downward) part of the repetitive movements. Passive part of the repetitive movements such energy is stored in the muscle fibers, like a sponge, so this section provides for the active forces to support repeated. In the barbell off the ground, the deadlift is the removal of these savings as a sponge-like force. That is why it is considered to be the true litmus test overall strength, and why it will eventually become a powerlifting competition content.

14, the best fat burning training system: independent weight multi-joint leg raise

Cox Virginia City, Missouri Truman State University scientists tested the number of calories burned, the sample came from eight college girls for two groups barbell squat or leg press, they have to carry the maximum limit of 10 times. Finally, they concluded that the barbell squat leg lift more than 50% of calories burned, and that this is because the squat involves more stability muscles. To reduce body fat, use a separate weight requires more stability and more joint training - such as barbell squats, step cut squatting, standing dumbbell press, dumbbell flat bench press, arm flexion and extension and barbell rowing - in order to replace equipment Training.

15, the best training that: anti-grip flat bench press

Most trainers to practice anti-grip flat bench press is to train triceps. In 2005, a study in Toronto, Canada Chiropractic College scientists found that in 12 trained men, and compared to the traditional flat bench press (with a positive attitude, hold), anti-shake Flat bench press on the side of the chest muscles can increase the activity of up to 30 percent.

16, the best times to complete the maximum weight of a single method: Repeat five times the maximum weight of the test

From the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, a study showed that in 70 trained male and female lifters experiment, a test was repeated five times their flat bench press in predicting the maximum weight of a single complete and accurate rate can reach 99% in the finished leg lift a single maximum weight speculation, the accuracy rate can reach 97%. These projections than 10 times and 20 times the maximum weight to be more accurate.

In order to more accurately determine your flat bench press or in any other upper body training to complete a single maximum weight you can lift five times to find a weight on exhaustion, after this weight into the following formula: (5 The maximum weight of repeated action X1.1307) +0.6998. In order to more accurately calculate your lower leg lift, or any other physical training completed in a single maximum weight you can lift five times to find a weight on exhaustive and this weight into the following formula: (5 times Repeat the maximum weight X1.09703) +14.2546.

17, the best fit muscle growth of repetitive motion range :8-12

In the past half-century of numerous studies have supported this concept: Use 8-12 repetitions action training is the best way to stimulate muscle growth. This may be due to this fact: this range of repetitive motion can produce the highest levels of growth hormone.

18, the best fit muscle growth, strength skills: Forced training times

Finnish researchers on 16 male athletes were observed, they were carried out with a standard leg training (4 set of secondary leg lift, two groups and two groups squats second leg flexion-extension, all sub-groups are To make 12 Repeat until exhausted, rest between each set of sub-two minutes) or a forced frequency leg training (with standard leg training have the same training content, groups, times and repetitions, but the weight to be increased by 15%, so the athletes who may need to rely on a sparring to help complete all 12 repeat.) forcing frequency of training showed their testosterone levels and growth hormone levels are better than standard conventional training slightly higher. Another study also believes that the number of trained athletes using forced training exhaustive than those who stopped to reduce more body fat.

19, the best strength training tips: ascending group times

• Baltimore, John Hopkins School of Medicine researchers have conducted on 50 male 9 weeks of follow-up observations to test the strength of growth, these people three times a week leg training. Testers to complete 3 sets of 10 times, or use los Thermes ascending pyramid technique (the first group of 10 repetitive movements with maximum weight of 50%, the second group with 10 repetition maximum weight of 75% of the action , while the third group uses 100% of the weight), or use the Oxford descending pyramid technique (first group uses 10 repetitive movements maximum weight 100%, the second and third groups decreased weight, in order to ensure to complete 10 a repeated action). The researchers found that those with weight lifters los Thermes skills training in the legs were able to gain more strength gains, they average skill than using the Oxford group of people that raised more than 4.5 kg of weight.

20, the best weightlifting fat loss methods: large weight, short rest intervals

From the University of Oslo, Norway Norway Sport and Physical Education Department of Education study found that the use can carry six times the weight resting after training can promote a higher metabolic rate and a longer period, and 12 times the weight of the group does not have this effect. Another one from the United States College of New Jersey Ewing study also pointed out that when people carry on flat bench press, if each group plays only 30 seconds of rest between the time when they are on the whole training can burn more fat, and those rest time of 3 minutes trainer who burn 50% less fat than the former. Order in training and after training (which will help burn more body fat) to burn more calories, it is best to use a range of training 6-8 times and keep rest time less than 1 minute.

21, the best muscle strength increasing the number of repetitive movements 2-6 times

Numerous studies have shown that the idea of ​​training 2-6 times increase in muscle strength is the best method. Repeat this range can either induce changes in muscle fibers, but also can make the nervous system to promote strength gain.

22, the best recovery time between workouts :3-4 days

Bowling Green City, Western Kentucky University researchers who completed seven groups gave weightlifting training until exhaustion, group training sessions in August using 10 times the maximum weight - flat leg lift, flat on the side, under pressure, Gongsan head muscle stretch, biceps curl, leg press, leg song God, Leg lift. Test population within 4 days after training every day, returns to the initial measured using the maximum weight 10 times, each train many times they can be. (Completion of 10 means that the muscles recover.) Fully recover all muscle groups need three days time, but most people can resume on the fourth day even more complete (allow testers to complete more than 10 times). So if you are considering separation reconfigure your training, then you think to each muscle group at each time between workouts to stay four days of recovery time to rest it.

23, the best muscle endurance repeat range: more than 12 times.

Many scientific studies to prove that such a concept: for more than 12 times the training is the best way to improve muscular endurance, this method can improve the completion of various projects, such as long-distance running, swimming and cycling, as well as high-intensity exercise, such as basketball and football.

24, the best action to promote muscle growth repetition speed: Slow, controlled repetitive movements

2005, from Australia's University of Sydney, New South Wales, scientists discovered that the group completed the training in accordance with the slow repetitive movements of people, and another group of people in fast repetitive movements, the former biceps muscle growth is very obvious . As we have suggested above, keep your repetitive movements slow and controlled, in order to add more muscle.

25, the optimum training Time: 20:00

Hattiesburg south of the University of Mississippi researchers to 16 men for training, in 10 weeks time, a group of training before 10:00, a group after 18:00. Training by the 45 minutes of weight training and 45 minutes later aerobic training components. And training in the morning compared to that group, that group of people at night increased by about 30% of the muscle, and about 9 percent while reducing body fat.

26, the optimum range of motion muscle strength repeat 3-5 times

Studies have shown that, for power training is best carried out using a range of 3-5 times. It should be reminded that you do not have to choose only let you finish 3-5 times the weight; contrast, allows you to choose to do 20-25 times and 3-5 times the weight you can control it. Remember, power is the energy released as quickly as possible a capability. Many times while doing so muscular failure, this does not help you achieve the purpose of growing power.

27, the best stretch of time: After the completion of Weightlifting

Despite It has been recommended by over-stretching exercises before training to help the muscles to prepare for the later training, and to prevent injury, but the current study does not support this. Several recent studies say that stretching before training does not lead to reduced risk of injury. A series of studies have found that stretching before lifting weights actually makes the muscles become weaker. This is in almost all the major muscle groups are reflected. Moreover, from the University of Texas at Austin found that when athletes in training after stretching, their body than stretching before training to become more flexible.

28, the best deadlift grip position: Interlaced

2007, held in Atlanta, strength and fitness Association Annual National Conference, a report from research firm Wade said that when trained lifters for deadlift action, using staggered grip position (one hand is a positive grip, another is anti-grip), they can use the standard grip position than those (two hands are positive grip) who can do more than 50% of the time. In order to maintain the balance of strength and muscle growth, alternating your staggered grip position, that in every group, by a positive grip and anti-grip hand position grip position to achieve balanced development of exchange.

29, best promote the growth of muscle strength repetitive motion speed: fast repetitive movements

Mentioned in the previous section 24 with a University of Sydney study, the scientists compared the slow repetitive movements (3 seconds part of the initiative, three seconds passive part) and fast repetitive motion (active and passive parts are a second ), are using the biceps curl this action, in order to determine which can be helpful for increasing muscle strength. After six weeks, the use of rapid repetitive movements that group to grow 10% more power.

30, the best strength and muscle growth rest time :2-3 minutes

Arizona State University scientists make 16 trained male bodybuilders who carry two kinds of training per week, conducted a total of three weeks. In the first phase, the test groups completed five consecutive flat bench press training group, the use of a single completed 80% of the maximum weight (or they can carry eight times the maximum weight) to carry out, in between each set of secondary implementation of one minute, two minutes and three minutes of rest. The second phase of the week, for five consecutive plates recommended training set times to complete a single-use 50% of the maximum weight (or they can complete repeat of the weight 25) to carry out the same, also in each set of secondary between one minute, two minutes and three minutes of rest. 3 minutes rest time allows you to repeat the action in the high-and low-repetitive motion training can accomplish more than 5 times training, but two minutes of rest time display of the results are the same with the low number of training. The implication is that if the strength and girth for training, then it should be most of the rest remain at 2-3 minutes.

31, increase strength and reduce injuries best training aids: Weight belt

Studies have confirmed that when lifting a belt system can be increased about 40% of the intra-abdominal pressure, approximately 50% while reducing the pressure of the lumbar intervertebral disc, which means that the weight can be increased with a weight training in protection against injury, particularly back injuries, but can also help to increase muscle strength. Another study pointed out that if people wear a belt test, they are doing squats, repeat the movement speed can be increased by 10%, which also implies the weight belt can improve the strength and energy. Although some people say that wearing a weight belt will reduce the growth of the body core muscles, but research shows that this weight may be more than the increase with energy up to 10% of the abdomen, spine erect muscle activity also increased by 25%. So, wearing a weight belt can actually increase the body's core muscle growth, rather than hinder it. Our advice is: only used when a large group of weight training weight belt, especially those who need spine weight training.

32, the best increase in the number of repetitive movements completed training aids: Wristbands

Wade implemented by the research institute study found that, when testing the crowd in the back wearing a wristband training, and not wearing a wrist strap with a training compared to their times each group can do 1-2 times (training includes a wide grip chin-up, latissimus pull-down, one arm dumbbell rowing and sitting rope rowing).

33, the best growing power equipment: Smith Machine

Smith machine is the best, not only because it mimics the independent barbell weight training while providing great security, but also because it can help you in any specific training in lifting more weight. One from Iowa City Drake University in Des Yin studies suggest that those who are trained in weightlifting weight training and independence compared and found Smith Machine Squat with people who want to grow by about 4% more power. Likewise, research institutions from Wade test found that trained individuals in the Smith Machine Shoulder Press on training for elected directly using barbell training than people, the former can grow more than 10% of the force. However, one thing to note: For increased strength tablet elected, the Smith machine, but not a very good tool, as studies have shown, using Smith machine for testing flat elected people and those using flat barbell elected crowd compared The former side to reduce the strength of about 15%. One reason may lie in the path of the barbell - When you use a barbell for flat elected, it is not a direct route up, but at the top of your head slightly to the side some angle. Because most have followed a Smith Machine barbell straight up and down the path, you are in the flat bench press strength can be weakened somewhat.

34, the best instrument to increase strength and energy: spring strip

University of Wisconsin La Crosse researchers gave 10 men and women trained in the Smith machine squats completed in maximum weight single lift of 85%, this action should be two groups, each done three times, they use a standard barbell or is trained with less 20% by weight of the barbell for training. For example, if a single completed 80% of the maximum weight of 135 kg, an experiment is to use load 135 kg barbell for training, and the other with load 108 kg barbell and additional 27 kg weight training zone. Finally, the use of training with doing squat training, they did not use training than do directly squat training with more than 25% of the strength demonstrated.

35, the best way to increase muscle: Ideas - Muscle Connection

A 2006 study, scientists at the University of Hull, UK 30 to be tested so doing biceps curls, or they were asked to concentrate on the muscles being trained and actions, or to focus on thinking to the lifting weights up. Those who will concentrate into the muscle instead of the lift weight to be tested, you can clearly feel the higher biceps muscle activity. More muscle activity is equivalent to more muscle growth. So the next time you conduct elected, regardless of your training is which parts of the body, we must focus on the spirit to the muscles, rather than on the barbell.

36, the best training method of preparation: Closed

If each training before pumping his mouth and you have to headbutt your sparring partner in order to make yourself excited, then you probably chose the wrong way. From Bridgewater College, Virginia, researchers organized a group of outstanding college football player, during the complete set of progressive relaxation (PR) skills (listening to soothing music, while contraction and relaxation of muscles) or make a group of passionate relaxation (AR) techniques (watch a video the intense football game) after training in the flat elected to use 101 kg of weight as much as possible to do repetitive movements. When those using progressive relaxation techniques before training people for 101 kg of weight training, they are passionate than those before the relaxation techniques or simply doing nothing the average person do two times.

In order to make their gradual relax, you should be in a quiet, dimly lit room to lie down lights. Taking put some soothing soft music. From the start of your leg, bending every major muscle group, and stick around for 10 seconds, then relax. Gradually loosen up the muscles. When you are finished, that is, the time to carry out weight training.

37, the best way to keep strength training: listening to music

Wade led by a research institute, an experiment found that when trainees wearing a personal MP3 player and shoulder training in a liking to their favorite music when they do the same training than their own without listening to music per 1-2 minor groups do repetitive movements.

38, the best known method results: Positive Thinking

From Boston, Harvard University researchers found that when they were told the hotel staff to do the work (cleaning hotel rooms) is a good exercise and comply with Health Secretary recommended active lifestyle after four weeks of work, they blood pressure and weight will be after a period of decline, and those who had not been informed of the above information waiter who did not decrease blood pressure and weight. The data show positive thinking can affect how your body training programs and health produce significantly different. When you do strength training, make sure your mind focused on your own times in the high-intensity group repeat the action of each of the corresponding muscle growth and strength aspects. If you are not in the gym, they should also think about their daily meal and drink each protein powder drink mix is ​​how to promote muscle growth.

39, the best way to increase strength and energy: autosuggestion

University of Wales a 2007 study showed that in 24 male athletes, those who use positive self-suggestion during upright man jumping tests than those who did not use self-suggestion method produces people who want more than 4% of the power. Try carrying a large weight before elected and then say to yourself like this, "I will raise it to" (motivational autosuggestion techniques) or "Beat It" (guiding autosuggestion techniques).

40, the best fat loss cardio training equipment: treadmill foot

In the 2003 study, British researchers put 12 men tested were in a stationary bike or treadmill training in accordance with different intensities. They found that training on the bike than on the stationary bike training can burn more fat - about 45%.

41, the best monotonic decrease aerobic training methods: shuffled

University of Missouri, Columbia, scientists found that those test groups with 80% of maximum heart rate of 30 minutes to complete a set of treadmill running or doing a group of the same intensity 3 10 minutes into a round, the middle 20 minutes of rest time running training , these two sets of total calories consumed, or the number of fat burning is no different. But the test crowd felt short intermittent training rounds than those long training runs feel more relaxed. If this sounds more enticing, then, according to their own situation to aerobic training is shorter intervals scattered fragments.

42, the best aerobic training: strength training

2007 Tokyo University study shows 10 to be tested after the completion of strength training on a stationary bike cardio training, aerobic training with his first complete after strength training compared to the former burn more fat. This was later confirmed by some studies; University of Wisconsin La Crosse researchers found that those in the 5-7 pm aerobic training people in the training still has a higher metabolic rate, while they are in the morning 5-7 and noon 11-13 point training is no such effect.

43, the best fat burning cardio training techniques: high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training is a form of aerobic training, which uses high-intensity periods (eg 90% of maximum heart rate speed running) and low intensity periods (at medium speed the pace of walking) alternating back and forth. Numerous studies have shown that this form of aerobic exercise can burn more fat, and those used in the majority of moderate-intensity steady state aerobic training, such as on a treadmill at a constant speed for 30 minutes to walk, etc. These are lower than the more fat reducing effect. From Laval University in Quebec City, Canada, a study showed that 15 weeks of high-intensity interval training program than 20 weeks of steady state endurance training program to reduce more body fat, although the latter than the high-intensity interval training burn 15,000 calories more.

In 2001, Johnson City, Tennessee State University, the same study demonstrated similar findings. In this study, those who have completed eight weeks of high-intensity interval training program was reduced by about 2 percent body fat, while those for steady state treadmill training in terms of body fat was not reduced.

The latest research from Australia and found complete by eight seconds sprint and 12 seconds rest time of 20 minutes posed by high-intensity interval training and continuous strength in women 60% of maximum heart rate for 40 minutes circumstances other aerobic training group of women compared to the former than the latter to lose body fat six times more. In high-intensity interval training to burn fat has shown so well main reason is that after each training session accompanied stationary metabolic rate is very high.

Here's a simple high-intensity interval training program you can try: In the warm-up after 2-3 minutes, alternating one minute of fast jogging and 1 minute slow walking, conducted a total of about 20-30 minutes. Finally, a slow walking 2-3 minutes to let the body to calm down.

44, best before training Carbohydrates: Slow digestion

Slow digestion of carbohydrates are ideal training before food because they can keep insulin levels low, and that will help in training burn more fat and provide more energy to sustain longer. 2007, Taichung, Taiwan from China Institute's research found that when eight male runners eating a meal in a slow digesting carbohydrates (Kellogg's All-Bran cereal, non-fat milk, peach and apple juice), the treadmill until Exhausted, and before they eat fast-digesting carbohydrates (Kellogg's Corn Flakes, non-fat milk, white bread, jam, glucose drinks and water) compared to running after, slow digesting carbohydrates to sustain them run more than seven minutes . 30 minutes before training, you can eat 40 grams of slow-digesting carbohydrates, such as fruits or whole grains, while references whey protein powder mixed drinks.

45, best before training Protein: Whey Protein

Studies confirm that the training immediately before the start of fast transport of amino acids to the muscles can maximize promote muscle protein synthesis. Whey, which you can buy fast digesting protein powder, such effects than any other egg Baidu Jiang. The fact that whey containing peptides, this substance can promote blood flow to the muscles, and help you in training to maintain more energy, and achieve better pumping is just an added bonus only. In the first 30 minutes of training, eating 20 grams of whey protein powder.

46, the best training Carbohydrates: fast-digesting

Numerous studies have reported that eating fast-digesting carbs after training can maximize insulin levels, the fastest way to replenish depleted muscle glycogen and prevent cortisol levels rise, while slow digesting carbs do not have these effects. The end result of these effects will be manifested as greater muscle recovery and growth. In training, eating 60-100 grams of fast digesting carbohydrates, such as sports drinks, white bread or a CD that high carbohydrate beverage brand.

47, the best training Protein: Whey Protein

Many studies show that immediately after training taking whey protein powder, can maximize promote muscle protein synthesis, the final results will be manifested as muscle growth. It caused increased levels of insulin can not only help to further promote protein synthesis, but also can reduce cortisol levels. Cortisone is a catabolic hormone, with the anabolic hormone testosterone in competition and stimulate muscle breakdown. Prevent cortisone levels, allowing you more anabolic state in order to promote muscle growth. Taken immediately after training 40 grams of whey protein powder.

48, the best supplements: Creatine

Below announced sarcosine is the best tonic in all markets. And not just anecdotal reports that fitness confirm its effectiveness, and now, hundreds of studies have shown that it can significantly increase muscle tissue and strength, and even scientists agree that the role of this substance. Before training and after training taking 3-5 grams of creatine.

49, the cheapest way to promote metabolism: Drink 2 cups cold water

One from the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism," the study found that fasting drink more than two cups of cold water can promote the metabolism and growth of 30%. In order to stabilize the fat burning, this method one day a few more times.

50 Best Fat Burning Method: high protein, low-carbohydrate diet

Because you need protein to build muscle, so cut the protein as a way to reduce body fat, and you do not even think. In addition, because the fitness diet control your fat intake is already quite low, even in the muscle growth phase, in order to reduce the calories and reduce body fat, the only thing left to cut macronutrient needs is a carbohydrate source. Many nutritionists agree that neither healthy low-carb diet has no effect. Now, in 2007, "Journal of the American Medical Association," in a study showed that the nutritional control of fitness throughout the execution is correct. Palo Alto, California, Stanford University researchers found that a 12-month low-carbohydrate, high-protein nutritional control can bring very significant fat reduction and better health outcomes, far outweigh the regional dieting, Ernie Xu LEARN diet dieting method or better. Have a good body, right

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